Forefront UAG RC1 – problems with TMGs managed control service

Hello Leutz,

this evening I had some problems configuring Forefront UAG RC1 with Forefront TMG for a customer presentation next week.
After Forefront UAG was installed, the Forefront TMG Managed Control Service didn’t start anymore. This sounds like a well-known problem, when the Exchange Server 2007 Edge role was installed after a TMG installation, but this was not the cause of the problem in my special configuration. Due to an recently Windows domain change for the TMG machine, my Exchange Server leaved the old configuration of the Exchange Server 2007 receive connector unchanged which was responsible for my service startup problem

I wrote a short article how to resolve these problem:

regards Marc

ISA 2006 und FTPS-Veröffentlichung…

…Hallo Allerseits,
vor einiger Zeit diskutieren wir mit Bernd Schulze die Vorgehensweise bzgl. FTPS-Publish in der deutschen ISA-Server-Newsgroup. Bernd war so nett uns seine Erfahrungen in einem Tutorial zur Verfügung zu stellen. Den Download dazu findet ihr hier auf Marcs und meinem Forefront TMG Blog:

Gruß, Jens Mander aka Karsten Hentrup…