MC* – Windows 7 Beta Pruefung

Hallo Leutz,

es ist soweit, die neue Pruefungswelle rollt an 🙁

Exam Registration Summary
Please verify the following information:
Candidate’s Name: MARC GROTE
Exam Name: TS: Windows 7, Configuring
Client/Exam Number: Microsoft 071-680
Exam Language: U.S. ENGLISH
Exam Location
Exam Date/Time: 07-May-2009 9:30 AM
Exam Duration: 04:30 [hh:mm]
Site Name/Code: GCC German Computer Company GmbH – GR411
Site Address: Brekelbaumstrasse 7
Site City: Hameln
Site State/Province:  
Site Phone #: 5151 55710
Site Country: DEU
Exam Price: 140 EUR
Tax: 0.00 EUR
Discount Code: WIN7J
Discount Amount: -140.00 EUR
Balance: 0.00 EUR
Credit Card:

Gruss Marc

Nach 1 1/2 Stunden war bereits keine Registrierung mehr moeglich!

Update: 18:23 Uhr (GMT+01): Folgende E-Mail kam gerade von unserem STEP Program Manager:
“A few more slots from the Win 7 exam have been opened. Go there quickly and register”